Friday, April 18, 2008


National Board of Directors       


6153 Harley Avenue

Philadelphia, PA  19142

Office of the Chairman


Anthony V. Kesselly    – Chairman

James N. Larsah         -- First Vice Chairman

David K. Flomo          -- Second Vice Chairman

Victor B. Smith          -- Secretary 


Mr. Stanford Peabody

Bush Chicken Website



Mr. Peabody,


I came across a posting from you captioned, “QUESTIONS ABOUND ABOUT ULAA’S DELEGATES SELECTION PROCESS” which was posted on the Bush Chicken Website on August 30, 2006..


While I appreciate the interest being generated in the ongoing ULAA elections process, I am also concerned that reports on operations of the Union are accurate.  Unfortunately, I found your story wanting in many respects.  I cannot readily conclude that the story was written with a questionable motive.  But I certainly can say that it is quite uninformed as a result of the failure of the reporter to do just what he or she declared at the bottom of the story, vis, “We Bring You Both Sides of the Story, All Day and Everyday!!    


The issue of ULAA elections guidelines falls in the domain of the ULAA National Elections Commission which in turn is under the oversight powers of the National Board of Directors. For a reporter to write extensively on the issue of the Elections Law and the delegation selection process without even getting the official side of neither the National Elections Commission nor the National Board of Directors is certainly a trigger for suspicion.


Be what it may, our interest here is to get the accurate story to your audience.  There is a very long story on this issue of delegation selection than meets the eye at this point.  We have come a long way from the days when ULAA elections were done by mass voting to the days when the decision was taken to utilize the delegate system.  Even with the inception of the delegate system, we have come from the 10-delegate decision to the 15-delegate one which is currently in use.  From the ULAA Board session on the ratification of the ULAA Elections Law in Baltimore, Maryland, on January 19, 2002 (which I attended) to the Board session on the revision which was adopted in Newark, New Jersey, on March 13, 2004 (over which I presided), ULAA has taken steps to visit this delegate selection process.  And there are very strong reasons why the delegate election process envisaged in the March 13, 2004 revised edition did not go into effect and has not gone into effect to this day.  You might recall we have even had an elections commission chairman resign over the matter.


There is a lot your audience can learn from this piece of enriching ULAA history.  We are prepared to play our part in getting the story to them.  We are prepared to take questions from you on this matter in order to get the accurate picture of the evolution of this delegation selection process so that you can be of better service to your reading audience.  For this we place ourselves at your disposal.


We hope to hear from you so as to get the broader picture out there.


Sincerely yours,



Anthony V. Kesselly


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